Book Creation Project
This Program is "All Things Story" and designed to guide a writer through the entire book project.
If you are:
Starting a business and need an additional marketing tool.
A speaker or business leader and want to add revenue and position yourself as an authority.
A person who has experienced something that you want to share to help others.
A person who has a strong message to share.
SERIOUS about becoming a successful published author...
Then this Program is for you...
The Book Creation Project Includes:
4-Module Self-Paced Online Program with "Must-Know" information to create a marketable book.
3 Months of One-on-One Coaching with an Award-winning Author - follow up with award-winning
Two Rounds of Professional Editing - developmental & copy edit service from editing team led by author with 35 million books in print herself 20+ years of editing experience.
Invitation to Dream To Author Private Writer's Community - (Includes weekly market news,
writer tips, networking, interviews and insider information.)
Exclusive invitation to the Dream To Author Private Writer's Community (Includes weekly market news, writer tips, networking, interviews and insider news)
BONUS – How to Write a Query Letter Guide
BONUS – Complimentary webinar of your choice from the Dream To Author library
45-Day Money Back Guarantee if after completing 3 modules you are unsatisfied.